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Showing posts from February, 2019

15 Ways to Spice Up Your Marriage

Everyone’s marriage needs an adventure, unexpected surprise and some added heat once in a while, don’t you agree? Hey, this marriage thing is for life, so make the most of it! I know the kids are important, but keep your marriage priority. Your kids will benefit greatly from it! There’s an unspoken security in knowing your parents are madly in love instead of just “putting up” with each other. So, enjoy your life together and get ready to spice things up a bit! 15 Ways to Spice Up Your Marriage Send flirty text messages. Here’s a huge list of ideas to get you started. Buy something racy. Forget your comfy, cotton p.j.s and buy something that will grab your husband’s attention — fast! If you’re tight on money, try working with what you already have and adding accessories. Also, I have found some great deals on clearance racks at the large department stores. Many times those fun, flirty outfits are hidden on a grandma-looking gown rack — DIG! You won’t be sorry you d

7 effective ways to get him to propose fast

You have been in a relationship for a long time now but you somehow cannot get your man to propose marriage to you without looking desperate. If you are stuck in such a situation then here are a few things that you can do to make things work in your favor. 1. Don’t push him too hard Pushing him and going on and on about getting married is going to make you look desperate and make him run in the opposite direction. You have to broach this issue in a far more delicate manner as you are actually asking him to give up his so called “freedom”. You will need to play some mind games here to make him propose marriage to you so gear up for the ride. 2. Begin talking about the future Begin by talking about your future. It could be simple things such as planning where you would want to settle, how you would want to make your money grow, or simply suggesting that you move into a bigger place. This will give him an idea that you want to be in a committed relationship and get him t

14 Things All Healthy Couples Do

1. Share the shower. When your relationship advances, you eventually begin taking showers together. You scrub each other’s backs and sometimes even shampoo and condition each other’s hair. Those brave foot-massaging gals might even scrub the guy’s feet with a body scrub. 2. Pop each other’s pimples. Girls, you know our men notice our blemishes and vice versa. Sometimes you even search each other for those pesky clogged pores and pop them for the one you love. Some see it as gross; others see it as helpful. Just be sure not to punch one another when one really hurts! 3. Make fast-food runs at 2AM. My boyfriend and I love going to Jack in the Box for tacos at 2AM when we can’t sleep and want a snack. Boyfriends and girlfriends do this as a sort of bonding exercise. We also do it because we’re super-hungry. 4. Binge-watch TV shows. When one person falls for a TV show, we get our significant other into it. Before you both know it, you’ve watched all eight seasons

50 Things That Make A Man Want To Marry You (The Ultimate Guide To Understanding A Man’s Commitment)

#1. Do what he asks you to do, without question –  If a man asks you for a favor, and you question him and say “why”…he will instantly feel like you just don’t want to do it. If you have to ask him why, it sounds like you need him to CONVINCE you to do it.If he has to convince you to do things, do you really understand him? #2.  Maintain yourself –  Men are visual, which means if you let yourself go, he will lose interest. He doesn’t want to commit to a woman who is only going to get worse. Maintain yourself physically and health wise, to prove you are willing to be the best you can be for him. #3.  Trust him –  Don’t be scared that he’s going to run off with some other woman, or that he’s lying to you about everything. #4.  Regularly give him space –  Every guy wants time alone. We all need our personal space, and it’s better if you can give that to him without him having to ask for it or beg you. Do it naturally, and he will appreciate you and think you are marriage

How to Get the Right Man

Getting the right man can seem like a daunting task at first, but it can be done. While you may be hopping that he eventually finds you, but that may not be the best strategy because he could get taken. If you want to get the right man yourself, then this wikiHow will tell you how. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE:

How to Get a Man to Marry You

Finding a guy is one thing, but keeping him around is another. Both are important steps. But what are some of the secrets of women who find men willing to commit? This is not an all-encompassing guide, but it may be a start in helping you develop deeper relationships. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE :

HOW TO BE A WIFE MATERIAL:7 Ways To Make Him See That You Are The One!

How to Be Wife Material: 7 Ways To Make Him See That You Are The One!   You’ve been seeing this guy for a few months now. Things are progressing nicely. You’ve both admitted you love each other , and you’re both committed to the relationship. Now, your mission is to make sure he sees you as wife material . The question is…how do you do that? Short of oohing and aahing over rings when you pass the jewelry store in the mall, you’re not sure what to do to get him in a marriage state of mind. Not to worry sweet lady, because I’m going to help you figure out how to brand yourself as wife material to the man that you love. It doesn’t require a push-up bra or pretending to be something you’re not. My secret “wife material” formula is based on 100% being yourself. Let’s dive in. What Does Wife Material Mean? While what constitutes a woman being wife material will vary slightly from man to man, we can right away discount what it is  not: It is not a woman who hooks up with